Friday, 6 September 2013



Tasmaat sarveshu kaaleshu maamanusmara yudhya cha;
Mayyarpitamanobuddhir maamevaishyasyasamshayam

Therefore, at all times remember Me only and fight. With mind and intellect fixed (or
absorbed) in Me, thou shalt doubtless come to Me alone.

tasmät—therefore; sarveñu—at all; käleñu—times; mäm—Me; anusmara—go
on remembering; yudhya—fight; ca—also; mayi—unto Me;
arpita—surrendering; manaù—mind; buddhiù—intellect; mäm—unto Me;
eva—surely; eñyasi—you will attain; asaàçayaù—beyond a doubt.

This instruction to Arjuna is very important for all men engaged in
material activities. The Lord does not say that one should give up his
prescribed duties or engagements. One can continue them and at the same
time think of KRISHNA by chanting Hare KRISHNA This will free one from material
contamination and engage the mind and intelligence in KRISHNA. By chanting
Krishna’s names, one will be transferred to the supreme planet, Krishloka,
without a doubt.


1.  His childhood friend: Whatever you may say, I cannot bring myself to believe in these 
words. Who can come by that oratorical power of expounding philosophy which you 
have? Swamiji: You don’t know! That power may come to all. That power comes to 
him who observes unbroken Brahmacharya for a period of twelve years, with the 
sole object of realising God I have practiced that kind of Brahmacharya myself, and 
so a screen has been removed, as it were, from my brain. For that reason, I need not 
any more think over or prepare myself for any lectures on such a subtle subject as 
philosophy. Suppose I have to lecture tomorrow; all that I shall speak about will 
pass tonight before my eyes like so many pictures; and the next day I put into words 
during my lecture all those things that I saw. So you will understand now that it is 
not any power which is exclusively my own. Whoever will practice unbroken 
Brahmacharya for twelve years will surely have it. If you do so, you too will get it. 
Our Shâstras do not say that only such and such a person will get it and not others!
2.  Swami Vivekananda attributed his phenomenal mental powers to a lifelong 
observance of brahmacharya.A few days ago, a new set of the Encyclopedia Britannica 
had been bought for the Math. Seeing the new shining volumes, the disciple said to 
Swamiji, ―It is almost impossible to read all these books in a single lifetime.‖ He was 
unaware that Swamiji had already finished ten volumes and had begun the 
eleventh.Swamiji: What do you say? Ask me anything you like from these ten volumes, 
and I will answer you all.The disciple asked in wonder, ―Have you read all these books?‖ 
Swamiji: Why should I ask you to question me otherwise?Being examined, Swamiji not 
only reproduced the sense, but at places the very language of the difficult topics selected 
from each volume. The disciple, astonished, put aside the books, saying, ―This is not 
within human power!‖Swamiji: Do you see, simply by the observance of strict 
Brahmacharya (continence) all learning can be mastered in a very short time — one 
has an unfailing memory of what one hears or knows but once. It is owing to this 
want of continence that everything is on the brink of ruin in our country. 

secret of swami vivekananda speech -" sisters & brothers of America"....

From Mrs. George Roorbach’s reminiscences of Swami Vivekananda at Camp Taylor, 
California, in May 1900:―
**** In my first speech in this country, in Chicago, I addressed that 
audience as ‗Sisters and Brothers of America‘, and you know that they all rose to their 
feet. You may wonder what made them do this, you may wonder if I had some 
strange power. Let me tell you that I did have a power and this is it — never once in 
my life did I allow myself to have even one sexual thought. I trained my mind, my thinking, and the powers that man usually uses along that line I put into a higher 
channel, and it developed a force so strong that nothing could resist it.

Wednesday, 4 September 2013


Let Mahavira be the ideal-

You have now to make the character of Mahavira
your ideal. See how at the command of
Ramachandra he crossed the ocean. He had no care
for life or death! He was a perfect master of his
senses and wonderfully sagacious. You have now to
build your life on this great ideal of personal service.

Through that, all the other ideals will gradually
manifest in life. Obedience to the Guru  without
questioning, and strict obedience of Brahmacharya  –
this is the secret of success. As on the one hand
Hanuman represents the ideal of service, so on the
other he represents the leonine courage, striking the
whole world with awe. He has not the least
hesitation in sacrificing his life for the good of
Rama. A supreme indifference to everything except
the service of Rama, even to the attainment of the
status of Brahman or Shiva, the great World-Gods!
Only the carrying out of Shri Rama‘s behest is the
one vow of his life! Such whole-hearted devotion is


Be like the pearl oyster-
****Be like the pearl oyster. There is a pretty Indian 
fable to  the effect that if it rains when the star  Svâti 
is in the ascendant, and a drop of rain falls into an 
oyster, that drop becomes a pearl. The  oysters know 
this, so they come to the surface when that star 
shines, and wait to catch the  precious raindrop. 
When a drop falls into them, quickly the oysters 
close their shells and dive  down to the bottom of the 
sea, there to patiently develop the drop into the 
We should be  like that. First hear, then understand, 
and then, leaving all distractions, shut your minds to
outside influences, and devote yourselves to 
developing the truth within you. There is the  danger 
of frittering away your energies by taking up an idea 
only for its novelty, and then  giving it up for another 
that is newer. Take one thing up and d o it, and see 
the end of it, and  before you have seen the end, do 
not give it up. He who can become mad with an idea, he  alone sees light. Those that only take a 
nibble here and a nibble there will never attain
anything. They may titillate their nerves for  a 
moment, but there it will end. 
….Take up  one idea. Make that one idea your life  -think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the
brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be 
full of that idea, and just leave every other   idea 
alone. This is the way to success, and this is the way 
great spiritual giants are produced.  Others are mere 
talking machines.
…To succeed, you must have tremendous 
perseverance, tremendous will. "I will drink the 
ocean," says the persevering soul, "at my  Will 
Mountains  will crumble up." Have that sort of 
energy, that sort of will, work hard, and you will 
reach the goal.

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

What is Pranayama

Tasmin sati svasaprasvasayor-gativicchedah pranayamah—“Regulation of breath or the
control of Prana is the stoppage of inhalation and exhalation, which follows after securing that
steadiness of posture or seat.”
This is the definition of Pranayama in the Yoga-sutras of Patanjali.
‘Svasa’ means inspiratory breath. ‘Prasvasa’ means expiratory breath. You can take up the
practice of Pranayama after you have gained steadiness in your Asana (seat). If you can sit for 3
hour in one Asana, continuously at one stretch, you have gained mastery over the Asana. If you are
able to sit from half to one hour even, you can take up the practice of Pranayama. You can hardly
make any spiritual progress without the practice of Pranayama.
Prana is Vyashti, when the individual is concerned. The sum total of the cosmic energy or
cosmic Prana is Hiranyagarbha who is known as the floating ‘Golden-Egg’. Hiranyagarbha is
Samashti Prana. One match stick is Vyashti (single). The whole match box is Samashti. A single
mango-tree is Vyashti. The whole mango grove is Samashti. The energy in the body is Prana. By
controlling the motion of the lungs or respiratory organs, we can control the Prana that is vibrating

inside. By control of Prana, the mind can be easily controlled, because the mind is fastened to the
Prana, like the bird to the string. Just as the bird that is tied to a post by a string, after flying here and
there, finds its resting place in the post, so also this mind-bird after running hither and thither, in
various sensual objects, finds its resting place during deep sleep in the Prana.

Pranayama (According to the Gita)
Apane juhvati pranam pranepanam tathapare; Pranapanagatee ruddhva
pranayamaparayanah(Gita, Ch. IV-29.). Others offer Prana (outgoing breath) in Apana (incoming
breath) and Apana in Prana, restraining the passage of Prana and Apana, absorbed in Pranayama.
Pranayama is a precious Yajna (sacrifice). Some practise the kind of Pranayama called Puraka
(filling in). Some practise the kind of Pranayama called Rechaka (emptying). Some are engaged in
the practice of Pranayama called Kumbhaka, by impeding the outward passage of air, through the
nostrils and the mouth, and by impeding the inward passage of the air, in the opposite direction.
Pranayama (According To Sri Sankaracharya)
Pranayama is the control of all life-forces by realising naught but Brahman in all things as
the mind, etc.
“The negation of the Universe is the outgoing breath. The thought: ‘I am Brahman’ itself is
called the incoming breath.
The permanence of that thought thereafter is the restrained breath. This is the Pranayama of
the wise, while the pressing of the nose is only for the unknowing.” (Aparokshanubhuti, 118-120).

Monday, 2 September 2013

First PRANAYAMA : Bhastrika pranayama

PRANAYAMS TAUGHT BY SWAMI RAMDEV JI MAHARAJ. ( Negative thinking is eliminated, and one who practises pranayama is always full of positive thinking, energy and self confidence.)



1. Brahmacharya literally means Achara or conduct that leads to the realization of Brahman
or one’s own Self. It means the control of semen, the study of the Vedas and contemplation on
God. The technical meaning of Brahmacharya is self-restraint, particularly mastery of perfect
control over the sexual organ or freedom from lust in thought, word and deed. Strict abstinence
is not merely from sexual intercourse, but also from auto-erotic manifestations, from homosexual
acts and from all perverse sexual practices. It must further involve a permanent abstention from
indulgence in erotic imagination and voluptuous reverie. All sorts of sex anomalies and evil
habits of various sorts like masturbation and sodomy must be completely eradicated. They bring
about a total breakdown of the nervous system and immense misery.

2. Brahmacharya is purity in thought, word and deed. It is celibacy and continence.
Brahmacharya is the vow of celibacy. The term ‘celibacy’ is from the Latin ‘caelebs’, meaning
unmarried or single, and signifies the state of living unmarried. But Brahmacharya is not mere
bachelorhood. It includes the control, not only of the sex or reproductive Indriya, but also of all
other Indriyas in thought, word and deed. This is the definition of Brahmacharya in a broad
sense of the term. The door to Nirvana or perfection is complete Brahmacharya. Complete
celibacy is the master-key to open the realms of Elysian bliss. The avenue to the abode of
supreme peace begins from Brahmacharya or purity.

3.Brahmacharya is absolute freedom from sexual desires and thoughts. A real Brahmachari
will not feel any difference in touching a woman, a piece of paper or a block of wood.
Brahmacharya is meant for both men and women. Bhishma, Hanuman, Lakshman, Mira Bai,
Sulabha and Gargi were all established in Brahmacharya.

4.Mere control of the animal passion will not constitute Brahmacharya. This is incomplete
Brahmacharya. You must control all the organs—the ears that want to hear lustful stories, the
lustful eye that wants to see objects that excite passion, the tongue that wants to taste exciting
things and the skin that wants to touch exciting objects.

5.To look lustfully is adultery of the eyes; to hear anything that excites passion is adultery
of the ears; to speak anything that excites passion is adultery of the tongue.

Call to patriots

हम भारत के देशभक्त, जितेन्द्रिय युवाओं, देशप्रेमी चार्टर्ड एकाउन्टेन्ट्स, विवेकशील अधिवक्ताओं एवं पूर्व न्यायाधीशों, कर्तव्य-परायण चिकित्सकों, राष्ट्र-निर्माता शिक्षकों, न्यायप्रिय अधिकारियों व कर्त्तव्यनिष्ठ कर्मचारियों, जागरुक एवं ऊर्जावान किसानों, परिश्रमी एवं कर्मठ श्रमिकों, राष्ट्र के आर्थिक विकास में सहायक व्यापारियों एवं उद्योगपतियों, भारत के नवनिर्माण को समर्पित वैज्ञानिकों व अभियन्ताओं, देशप्रेमी व कर्त्तव्यनिष्ठ पूर्व - सैनिक बल के पूर्व- सुरक्षाकर्मियों एवं पुलिसकर्मियों, राष्ट्रभक्त साहित्यकारों, खिलाडियों, कलाकारों एवं पत्रकारो तथा सामाजिक, आध्यात्मिक व राष्ट्रीय क्रान्ति से जुडकर एक स्वस्थ एवं शक्तिशाली भारत बनाने के लिए व देश का खोया हुआ स्वाभिमान जगाने के लिए आगे आयें! इस पवित्र अनुष्ठान व राष्ट्र-कल्याण के महायज्ञ में हम आपको सादर आमन्त्रित करते हैं । आप “भारत स्वाभिमान” के इस मिशन से जुडने के लिए “मुख्यालय पतंजलि योगपीठ, हरिद्वार, उत्तराखण्ड, फोन नं 01334-240008” से अथवा अपने जिले की पतंजलि योग समिति से सम्पर्क करें। -आचार्य बालक्रष्ण


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STORY - Passion’s hold over man’s mind. Socrates and his disciple

One of the disciples of Socrates asked his teacher, “My venerable master, kindly instruct
me how many times a householder can visit his legal wife.” Socrates replied, “Only once in his

The disciple said, “Oh my Lord! This is absolutely impossible for worldly men. Passion
is dreadful and troublesome. This world is full of temptations and distractions. Householders
have not a strong will to resist temptations. Their Indriyas are very revolting and powerful. The
mind is filled with passion. Thou art a philosopher and Yogi. You can control. Pray, kindly
prescribe an easy path for the men of the world.” Then Socrates said, “ A householder can have
copulation once in a year.”
The disciple replied, “O venerable sir, this is also a hard job for them. You must
prescribe an easier course.” Socrates then replied, “Well, my dear disciple, once in a month. This
is suitable. This is quite easy. I think you are satisfied now.”
The disciple said, “This also is impossible, my revered master. Householders are very
fickle-minded. Their minds are full of sexual Samskaras and Vasanas. They cannot remain even
for a single day without sexual intercourse. You have no idea of their mentality.”
Then Socrates said, “Well said, my dear child. Do one thing now. Go directly to the
burial ground now. Dig a grave and purchase a coffin and winding sheet for the corpse before
hand. Now you can spoil yourself any number of times you like. This is my final advice to you.”
This last advice pierced the heart of the disciple. He felt it keenly. He thought over the matter
seriously and understood the importance and glory of Brahmacharya. He took to spiritual
Sadhana in right earnest. He took a vow of strict unbroken celibacy for life. He became an
Oordhvareta Yogi and had Self-realization. He became one of the favourite disciples of

How to Rise Above Sex

*****There is another important angle to this matter of Brahmacharya ( CELIBACY, CONTINENCE). And that pertains to
your aim and ambition in life. What is it that you want out of life? What great desire dominates
your life? Is there something that is a consuming hunger in you? Do you want to become the
highest musical genius in this world? Or do you want to become the fastest Olympic runner or
weightlifter in this world?

***** No matter what your ambition is, if there is some one overwhelming
or all-consuming hunger in you, then all other problems recede into the background. They do not
present a great difficulty. But, if you do not have such an overwhelming ambition in one
direction, then everything becomes a problem and sex also becomes a problem. 

****Therefore, the
right way of solving this problem of sex is to rise above it so that it becomes something not
important. You have to rise above sex—not wrestle with it, but rise above it. Because, if you do
not have an overall concentrated urge or ambition in life, then the clamour of these little senses
becomes a great din in your life. Your life will always be under that clamour.

**** But, if you have
got an overwhelming urge for something else, then this clamour does not reach you at all,
because you are too busy engaging your entire attention in some other direction. 

So, the rightway of solving this situation of sex is to rise above it, by developing great love for God, greatlove for an ideal, developing passion for a pure life, a moral life, an ethical life, an ideal life andnurturing Tivra Mumukshutva for attaining liberation. 

***If intense Mumukshutva is there, then all other things recede into the background. They become less important. So, if you want to attainvictory over the clamour of the senses, you must arouse within yourself a great fire of higher aspiration. Then, what happens? In order to attain that upon which your heart is set, you give yourself so totally to it that you have no time for other things.

 ****Even great scientists do not have this problem, because they are all the time completely absorbed in their scientific research. They do not pay much importance to food or clothing or bathing or anything.

 Why? Because they are all absorbed in, and interested in, something else. That is the way of becoming established in Brahmacharya, in successful Brahmacharya, in effective Brahmacharya 


Sex Education

WHAT PLACE has... instruction in sexual 

science in our educational system, or has
it any place there at all?
****Sexual science is
of two kinds-that which is used for
controlling or overcoming the sexual
passion, and that which is used to
stimulate and feed it. Instruction in the
former is as necessary a part of child's
education as the latter is harmful and dangerous and fit therefore only to be
*** All great religions have rightly
regarded kama as the arch-enemy of man, anger or hatred coming only in the
second place.
*** According to the Gita, the
latter is an offspring of the former. The
Gita , of course, uses the word kama in
its wider sense of desire. But the same
holds good of the narrow sense in which
it is used here.
This , however, still leaves unanswered
the question, i.e., whether it is desirable
to impart to young pupils a knowledge
about the use and function of generative organs.
*****But the sex education that I stand for
must have for its object the conquest and
sublimation of the sex passion.
**** Such education should automatically serve to
bring home to children the essential
distinction between man and brute, to
make them realize that it is man's special
privilege and pride to be gifted with the
faculties of head and heart both, that he
is a thinking no less than a feeling animal as the very derivation of the word shows,
and to renounce the sovereignty of
reason over the blind instincts is,
therefore to renounce a man's estate.



The cause of magnetic personality:

1. According to Dhanvantari, the sexual energy is transmuted into Ojas or spiritual
energy by pure thoughts. It is called sex sublimation in western psychology.
Sublimation is not a matter of suppression or repression, but a positive dynamic
conversion process. It is the process of  controlling the sex energy, conserving it, then
diverting it into higher channels and finally converting it into spiritual energy or  Ojas

2.Ojas  is the cause of attra ctive personality. If you see any person who is
outstanding in his works, whose speech is impressive and thrilling, has lustrous eyes
and a magnetic aura on his face and awe-inspiring (charismatic) personality, be sure
that he has stored up Ojas in his brain. This stored  up energy can be utilis ed for divine
comtemplation and spiritual pursuits (Self-realisation).

3.Assuming that an ordinary man consumes 32 kgs. Of food in 40 days, yielding
800 Gms. of blood, which in turn will yield only 20 Gms. of semen over a period of one
month. A person will be able to  accumulate about 15 Gms. of semen in 30 days. And
one-month accumulation of semen is discharged in one sexual intercourse!

4.  In his Raja Yoga ( BOOK WRITTEN BY H.H. SWAMI VIVEKANANDA  OF INDIA), the Swami explains that through brahmacharya sex energy is converted
into a higher form of psychic energy called ‗ojas.‘(Ojas, literally meaning the
‗illuminating‘ or ‗bright‘ is the highest form of energy in the human body. In the spiritual
aspirant who constantly practises continence and purity, other forms of energy are
transmuted into ojas and stored in the brain, expressing as spiritual and intellectual
power). He says, ―The yogis say that part of the human energy which is expressed as sex
energy, in sexual thought, when checked and controlled easily becomes changed into
ojas, and as the Muladhara (lowest of the six centers of consciousness) guides these, the
yogi pays particular attention to that centre. He tries to take up all his sexual energy and
convert it into ojas.

5. The great sexual force, 
raised from animal action and sent upward to the great dynamo of the human 
system, the brain, and there stored up, becomes Ojas or spiritual force. All good 
thought, all prayer, resolves a part of that animal energy into Ojas and helps to give 
us spiritual power. This Ojas is the real man and in human beings alone is it 
possible for this storage of Ojas to be accomplished. One in whom the whole animal 
sex force has been transformed into Ojas is a god. He speaks with power, and his 
words regenerate the world.
6.  The Ojas – The ―Ojas‖ is that which makes the difference between man and man. The 
man who has much Ojas is the leader of men. It gives a tremendous power of 
attraction. Ojas is manufactured from the nerve – currents. It has this peculiarity: it 
is most easily made from that force which manifests itself in the sexual powers. If 
the powers of the sexual centres are not frittered away and their energies wasted 
(action is only thought in a grosser state), they can be manufactured into Ojas.
7.The Yogis claim that 
of all the energies that are in the human body the highest is what they call ―Ojas‖. 
Now this Ojas is stored up in the brain, and the more Ojas is in a man’s head, the 
more powerful he is, the more intellectual, the more spiritually strong. One man 
may speak beautiful language and beautiful thoughts, but they, do not impress 
people; another man speaks neither beautiful language nor beautiful thoughts, yet 
his words charm. Every movement of his is powerful. That is the power of Ojas.


1.The most devitalising and demoralizing of pleasures is the sex pleasure. Sensual

enjoyment is attended with various defects. It is attended with various sorts of sins, pains,

weaknesses, attachments, slave mentality, weak will, severe exertion and struggle, craving and

mental restlessness. Worldly persons never come to their proper senses although they get severe

knocks, kicks and blows from different corners. The strolling street dog never stops from

visiting the houses even though it is pelted with stones every time.

2.Eminent doctors of the West say that various kinds of diseases arise from the loss of

semen, particularly in young age. There appear boils on the body, acne or eruptions on the face,

blue lines around the eyes, absence of beard, sunken eyes, pale face with anaemia, loss of

memory, loss of eye-sight, shortsightedness, discharge of semen along with urine, enlargement of

the testes, pain in the testes, debility, drowsiness, laziness, gloominess, palpitation of the heart,

dyspnoea or difficulty in breathing, phthisis, pain in the back, loins, head and joints, weak

kidneys, passing urine in sleep, fickle-mindedness, lack of thinking power, bad dreams, wet

dreams and restlessness of mind.

3.The energy that is wasted during one sexual intercourse is tantamount to the energy that is

spent in physical labour for ten days or the energy that is utilized in mental work for three days.

Mark how precious is the vital fluid, semen! Do not waste this energy. Preserve it with great

care. You will have wonderful vitality. When Veerya is not used, it is all transmuted into Ojas

Sakti or spiritual energy and stored up in the brain. Western doctors know little of this salient

point. Most of your ailments are due to excessive seminal wastage.

4.Excessive sexual intercourse drains the energy enormously. Young men do not realize

the value of the vital fluid. They waste this dynamic energy by immoderate copulation. Their

nerves are tickled much. They become intoxicated. What a serious blunder they commit!

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Invocation to Lord Ganesh



Guru Mantra:


Lord Jesus has framed a beautiful prayer:

Our Father which art in heaven,
Hallowed be Thy name.
Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done,
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread;
And forgive us our debts,
As we forgive our debtors;
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from evil.
For Thine is the kingdom,
The power and the Glory,
For ever and ever, Amen

******If God’s Will is done here and His Grace alone fills and surrounds us on all sides, what are
we to pray for? Lord Jesus reminds you: “your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before
ye ask Him.” The prayer is, therefore for His Grace, for constantly remembering Him, for making
you a channel to do His Will, and for forgiveness. There is a mysterious power in the
universe—Satan—that tempts even the best of men, deludes even the wisest of them, and leads
even the greatest of them astray. Prayer is offered to the Lord to guard you against this.

*****The “daily bread” is not merely the physical bread or the food that we give the body to keep
it alive. For, the Lord assures you that God knows your need and, even as He clothes the lilies in the field with rich and delightful colour and feeds the fowls of the air, He will feed you and clothe you without your praying for them.

**** Meditate upon this and realise God’s Supreme Grace that gave you
and that sustains your life. You will clearly understand the meaning of His Immortal Utterance:
“Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where
thieves break through and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in Heaven, where neither month nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal.”By thus revolutionising the values alone can dispassion arise in the heart and the Kingdom of God realised in one’s own heart.

#### “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

****” Develop discrimination. Care not for the riches of this world; they are perishable and they cannot give you lasting peace and happiness.
Devote yourself to the acquisition of spiritual wealth by regular prayer, meditation and charity. This prayer to the Lord is, therefore, for spiritual bread, spiritual food,—in other words, for devotion to Him and for right discrimination. “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you,” said He.