Monday, 2 September 2013

Sex Education

WHAT PLACE has... instruction in sexual 

science in our educational system, or has
it any place there at all?
****Sexual science is
of two kinds-that which is used for
controlling or overcoming the sexual
passion, and that which is used to
stimulate and feed it. Instruction in the
former is as necessary a part of child's
education as the latter is harmful and dangerous and fit therefore only to be
*** All great religions have rightly
regarded kama as the arch-enemy of man, anger or hatred coming only in the
second place.
*** According to the Gita, the
latter is an offspring of the former. The
Gita , of course, uses the word kama in
its wider sense of desire. But the same
holds good of the narrow sense in which
it is used here.
This , however, still leaves unanswered
the question, i.e., whether it is desirable
to impart to young pupils a knowledge
about the use and function of generative organs.
*****But the sex education that I stand for
must have for its object the conquest and
sublimation of the sex passion.
**** Such education should automatically serve to
bring home to children the essential
distinction between man and brute, to
make them realize that it is man's special
privilege and pride to be gifted with the
faculties of head and heart both, that he
is a thinking no less than a feeling animal as the very derivation of the word shows,
and to renounce the sovereignty of
reason over the blind instincts is,
therefore to renounce a man's estate.


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