The cause of magnetic personality:
1. According to Dhanvantari, the sexual energy is transmuted into Ojas or spiritual
energy by pure thoughts. It is called sex sublimation in western psychology.
Sublimation is not a matter of suppression or repression, but a positive dynamic
conversion process. It is the process of controlling the sex energy, conserving it, then
diverting it into higher channels and finally converting it into spiritual energy or Ojas
2.Ojas is the cause of attra ctive personality. If you see any person who is
outstanding in his works, whose speech is impressive and thrilling, has lustrous eyes
and a magnetic aura on his face and awe-inspiring (charismatic) personality, be sure
that he has stored up Ojas in his brain. This stored up energy can be utilis ed for divine
comtemplation and spiritual pursuits (Self-realisation).
outstanding in his works, whose speech is impressive and thrilling, has lustrous eyes
and a magnetic aura on his face and awe-inspiring (charismatic) personality, be sure
that he has stored up Ojas in his brain. This stored up energy can be utilis ed for divine
comtemplation and spiritual pursuits (Self-realisation).
3.Assuming that an ordinary man consumes 32 kgs. Of food in 40 days, yielding
800 Gms. of blood, which in turn will yield only 20 Gms. of semen over a period of one
month. A person will be able to accumulate about 15 Gms. of semen in 30 days. And
one-month accumulation of semen is discharged in one sexual intercourse!
4. In his Raja Yoga ( BOOK WRITTEN BY H.H. SWAMI VIVEKANANDA OF INDIA), the Swami explains that through brahmacharya sex energy is convertedinto a higher form of psychic energy called ‗ojas.‘(Ojas, literally meaning the
‗illuminating‘ or ‗bright‘ is the highest form of energy in the human body. In the spiritual
aspirant who constantly practises continence and purity, other forms of energy are
transmuted into ojas and stored in the brain, expressing as spiritual and intellectual
power). He says, ―The yogis say that part of the human energy which is expressed as sex
energy, in sexual thought, when checked and controlled easily becomes changed into
ojas, and as the Muladhara (lowest of the six centers of consciousness) guides these, the
yogi pays particular attention to that centre. He tries to take up all his sexual energy and
convert it into ojas.
5. The great sexual force,
raised from animal action and sent upward to the great dynamo of the human
system, the brain, and there stored up, becomes Ojas or spiritual force. All good
thought, all prayer, resolves a part of that animal energy into Ojas and helps to give
us spiritual power. This Ojas is the real man and in human beings alone is it
possible for this storage of Ojas to be accomplished. One in whom the whole animal
sex force has been transformed into Ojas is a god. He speaks with power, and his
words regenerate the world.
6. The Ojas – The ―Ojas‖ is that which makes the difference between man and man. The
man who has much Ojas is the leader of men. It gives a tremendous power of
attraction. Ojas is manufactured from the nerve – currents. It has this peculiarity: it
is most easily made from that force which manifests itself in the sexual powers. If
the powers of the sexual centres are not frittered away and their energies wasted
(action is only thought in a grosser state), they can be manufactured into Ojas.
7.The Yogis claim that
of all the energies that are in the human body the highest is what they call ―Ojas‖.
Now this Ojas is stored up in the brain, and the more Ojas is in a man’s head, the
more powerful he is, the more intellectual, the more spiritually strong. One man
may speak beautiful language and beautiful thoughts, but they, do not impress
people; another man speaks neither beautiful language nor beautiful thoughts, yet
his words charm. Every movement of his is powerful. That is the power of Ojas.
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